Wonder Well-being
"Who is your enemy? Mind is your enemy. No one can harm you more than your own mind untamed. And who is your friend? Mind is your friend. No one can help you more than your own mind, wisely trained - not even your own mother and father." Buddha.
Five Wonder Ways to Wellbeing
Many scientific studies show that happiness will increase if we do these five things:

How we do these at The Wonder Tree:
BE ACTIVE - through movement with yoga poses (asanas), games and warm ups
TAKE NOTICE - by practising mindfulness, noticing our body, brain and breath
CONNECT - group sessions with partner poses, games, massages
HELP OTHERS - we support each other, practise kindness and gratitude, enjoy partner poses and group games
KEEP LEARNING - we learn yoga and mindfulness practises, about ourselves and coping and calming techniques

At The Wonder Tree you will gain 5 Super, so should we say, Wonder Powers
1. MIND CONTROL - I can control my thoughts, I will not let them control me.
2. CALMING POWER - I will calm myself down when I am wild or worried.
3. POWER BREATH - I know that I can control my breath to feel calm, energised or focussed.
4. THE POWER OF KINDNESS - I am kind and grateful. I know that no act of kindness is ever wasted, whether it is towards myself or others.
5. SUPER STRENGTH - I am strong on the outside and on the inside.
Toolkit of Wonders!
A toolkit of D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself) Yoga and Mindfulness practises, mindsets, strategies and techniques to gain the above Wonder Powers. The Wonder Toolkit will help to grow resilience, emotional intelligence, self awareness, self regulation, self respect, self belief and self care. The aim is to empower children and young people so they can practise self help and develop healthy coping habits.