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The Wonder Tree is a place where Teens can grow their self awareness through sequences of yoga postures and mindfulness activities.  Whether a 'sporty' or 'non-sporty' type, The Wonder Tree sessions will develop the sports psychology/coaching 5 C's, which are Confidence, Competence, Control, Concentration, Connections and Caring.  The Wonder Tree Well-being techniques will be taught to grow self awareness, self belief, self control and self respect.


During the teenage years the body and brain goes through many changes.  Yoga will help teenagers to stay connected with their quickly changing bodies.  It will help to build and draw muscles towards the joints to stabilise them.  It will provide teens with an opportunity to practise distressing - relaxing muscles, noticing the breath, and pausing and not reacting.  



Teen Club: Avanti Grange, Monday's at 3.50pm



Sessions can be arranged for Teens or a group of Teens and Adults together.









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