Yoga Therapy
Intervention / Nurture Sessions
(Pupil Premium / Vulnerable Children / Special Needs / Target Groups)
Increase pupils resilience, self belief, co-ordination, physical and emotional well-being. Child studies have shown that yoga can reduce ADHD symptoms. Sara has experience of running pupil premium workshops and Yoga Therapy sessions in local schools.

Wonder Workshops:
Chill Skills - pre-exam destress
Literacy: Stretchy Stories.
Mindfulness: Stop.Breathe.Be.
PSHE: Resilience 'We are Wonders'.
PSHE: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind.
PE: Body Awareness.
Calm Classrooms.
'Be Cool - Cool Bag' technique: calming & coping strategies.
Choose one of the above options or design your own workshop for a story telling unit, the EYFS or a theme day/week e.g. healthy schools, anti-bullying, sports & fitness, mindfulness, international (India), peace, well-being, mental health.

PE / Supply / PPA Teacher
As an experienced teacher Sara can teach any subject, but specialises in teaching PE Yoga, PSHE or a combination of both in each lesson. Yoga sessions meet the compulsory requirements of the PE curriculum, so why not add Yoga to your PE timetable?

Yoga & Mindfulness Club
Sport & Well-being Club
Sara is currently running successful clubs in local schools. Add The Wonder Tree club to your school extra curricular activities. It will teach life skills in a fun and healthy way.

Staff Meetings / Inset
Options for your team:
Energise and relax your staff by adding a adult yoga and mindfulness session to your next inset day.
Book a children's yoga and/or mindfulness session for the staff at your school - by participating they can experience the benefits themselves.